As a Platonic Touch & Cuddling Specialist, I can attest to the value of touch. There is no lack of scientific and anecdotal evidence that speaks to the necessity of touch for all ages, but limited access to platonic touch is our greatest obstacle to meeting our touch needs.
In this first-of-its-kind book, Jordan explains with ease and humor how many of us, herself included, have found ourselves needing touch after a major life change. “We don’t have scripts on how to touch our friends,” she says. This book provides the scripts to begin creating a culture where platonic touch is normalized in all of society.
Somebody Hold Me moves through the emotional connection of touch, the science and basic need for touch, and the how-to of touch: a large portion of Jordan’s book gives exercises you can try with a friend or a group of friends to begin playing with meaningful and enriching touch.
Creating a culture of touch starts with you. Somebody Hold Me is the book you need to do just that!