A. If reading this FAQ has inspired you to ask a friend, family member or lover to give you immersive touch and/or hold you when you need relaxation, support or relief, our work here is done! Thank you for coming, and please exit through the gift shop.

Of course, the world would be a much better place if we provided immersive touch for each other and our service didn’t have to exist. After seeing countless clients with relieved smiles on their faces after their sessions, we are more convinced than ever of the importance of nurturing human touch (and how many of us suffer because we don’t get enough).

In our experience, many people find it easier to be vulnerable with a stranger than a friend. People are too ashamed to ask this of their loved ones. We would rather suffer than chance fear of rejection, misinterpretation of our intentions, awkward pauses,  or expectations of reciprocation. On the other side, many people are uncomfortable with strong emotions expressed by others, and don’t know how to comfort a friend, lover or family member who is suffering.

Most people who come to see us only need the occasional session to give their body and heart a reset to relaxation and peace. We have created Karuna Sessions with the intention of being a catalyst, not a substitute, for relationships with family, friends or romantic partners. It is our hope that those who have a strong support network will understand the importance of nurturing human touch and consider incorporating it into their existing relationships after they experience a Karuna Session.